The photodissociation dynamics of NCO have been examined using fast beam photofragment translational spectroscopy. Excitation of the 1 0 2 , 3 0 1 , and 1 0 2 3 0 2 transitions of the B 2 ⌸←X 2 ⌸ band produces N( 4 S)ϩCO photofragments exclusively, while excitation of the 1 0 3 3 0 3 transition yields primarily N( 2 D)ϩCO photoproducts. The translational energy ͓ P(E T )͔ distributions yield D 0 ͑N-CO͒ϭ2.34Ϯ0.03 eV, and ⌬H f ,0 0 ͑NCO͒ϭ1.36Ϯ0.03 eV. The P(E T ) distributions exhibit vibrationally resolved structure reflecting the vibrational and rotational distributions of the CO product. The N( 2 D)ϩCO distribution can be fit by phase space theory ͑PST͒, while the higher degree of CO rotational excitation for N( 4 S)ϩCO products implies that NCO passes through a bent geometry upon dissociation. The P(E T ) distributions suggest that when the B 2 ⌸←X 2 ⌸ band is excited, NCO undergoes internal conversion to its ground electronic state prior to dissociation. Excitation of NCO at 193 nm clearly leads to the production of N( 2 D)ϩCO fragments. While conclusive evidence for the higher energy O( 3 P)ϩCN(X 2 ⌺ ϩ ) channel was not observed, the presence of this dissociation pathway could not be excluded.