MSC:17A70 17A30 16A03 17B68
Keywords:Hom-Lie superalgebra Hom-associative superalgebra Hom-Lie admissible superalgebra Lie admissible superalgebra q-Witt superalgebra The purpose of this paper is to study Hom-Lie superalgebras, that is a superspace with a bracket for which the superJacobi identity is twisted by a homomorphism. This class is a particular case of Γ -graded quasi-Lie algebras introduced by Larsson and Silvestrov. In this paper, we characterize Hom-Lie admissible superalgebras and provide a construction theorem from which we derive a one parameter family of Hom-Lie superalgebras deforming the orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra. Also, we prove a Z 2 -graded version of a Hartwig-Larsson-Silvestrov Theorem which leads us to a construction of a q-deformed Witt superalgebra.