The aim of the present study was to investigate to what extent interstitial lung disease (ILD) in common variable immunodeficiency disorder (CVID)-associated granulomatous disease (GD) is similar to pulmonary sarcoidosis 20 patients with CVID/GD were included in a retrospective study conducted by the Groupe Sarcoïdose Francophone. Medical records were centralised. Patients were compared with 60 controls with sarcoidosis.Clinical examination showed more frequent crackles in patients than controls (45% versus 1.7%, respectively; p,0.001). On thoracic computed tomography scans, nodules (often multiple and with smooth margins), air bronchograms and halo signs were more frequent in patients than controls (80% versus 42%, respectively; p50.004) as well as bronchiectasis (65% versus 23%, respectively; p,0.001). The micronodule distribution was perilymphatic in 100% of controls and in 42% of patients (p,0.001). Bronchoalveolar lavage analysis showed lower T-cell CD4/CD8 ratios in patients than in controls (mean¡SD 1.6¡1.1 versus 5.3¡4, respectively; p,0.01). On pathological analysis, nodules and consolidations corresponded to granulomatous lesions with or without lymphocytic disorders in most cases. Mortality was higher in patients than controls (30% versus 0%, respectively) and resulted from common variable immunodeficiency complications.ILD in CVID/GD presents a specific clinical picture and evolution that are markedly different from those of sarcoidosis.