Abstract. An argument in our paper The Huber theorem for non-compact conformally flat manifolds [Comment. Math. Helv. 77 (2002), 192-220] was not justified. Using recent work by G. Tian and J.Viaclovsky, we show that our result holds true.In [4], we consider a complete conformally flat Riemannian manifold (M n , g) which satisfies the Sobolev inequality :and whose Ricci tensor is in L n 2 . On page 208 we then assert that "diameter is controlled from above and volume growth is controlled from below (from the Sobolev inequality) on each annulus M kr −M k −1 r . We can then infer from Anderson-Cheeger harmonic radius' theory that the rescaled annuli (by a finite (and uniformly bounded ) number of balls of uniformly bounded size where the metric coefficients are C 1,α -close to the euclidean metric." In fact, the trivial extrinsic diameter bound is not enough to ensure Anderson-Cheeger compactness (one needs an intrinsic diameter control) and this argument needs to be justified. This is what we intend to do below.First observe that the nedeed intrisic diameter control can be replaced by an upper bound on the volume growth of geodesic balls. Recently, G. Tian and J. Viaclovsky [5] investigated an issue closely related to ours, and proved the following result:) be a complete noncompact Riemannian manifold of dimension n ≥ 3. If there exists a constant C 1 > 0 such that vol(B(q, s)) ≥ C 1 s n , for any q ∈ X, s ≥ 0, that furthermore sup S(r) |K g | = o(r −2 ) as r → ∞, where S(r) is the sphere of radius r centered at a basepoint p, and that b 1 (X) < ∞, then there exists a constant C 2 so thatUsing this one can show that our argument remains true. Indeed, the Sobolev inequality implies that the manifold has an euclidean lower bound on the volume growth of geodesic balls. Moreover, Sobolev and L n 2 -integrability of the Ricci curvature imply that the space of L 2 harmonic 1-formsand the first cohomology group with compact support H 1 c (M ) have finite dimensions [2,3]. In particular M has a finite number of ends. As it is proved in [4] that 1