Polyproline motifs are an essential structural feature of many proteins, and recent evidence suggests that EF-P is just one of several factors that facilitate their translation. For example, YfmR was recently identified as a protein that prevents ribosome stalling at proline-containing sequences in the absence of EF-P. Here, we show that the YebC-family protein YebC2 (formerly YeeI) functions as a translation factor inB. subtilisthat resolves ribosome stalling at polyprolines. We demonstrate that YebC2, EF-P and YfmR act independently to support cellular fitness. Moreover, we show that YebC2 interacts directly with the 70S ribosome, supporting a direct role for YebC2 in translation. Finally, we assess the evolutionary relationship between YebC2 and other characterized YebC family proteins, and present evidence that transcription and translation factors within the YebC family have evolved separately. Altogether our work identifies YebC2 as a translation factor that resolves ribosome stalling and provides crucial insight into the relationship between YebC2, EF-P, and YfmR, three factors that prevent ribosome stalling at prolines.