) regulates signaling processes in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe (reviewed in Refs. 1-3), as it does in mammalian cells (reviewed in Ref. 4). Fission yeast contains ion channels (5, 6) and transporters (7-9) homologous to those involved in regulating Ca 2ϩ entry and signal transduction in excitable cells. Thus, stimulation of yeast cells by pheromones or other extracellular stimuli lead to an increase in intracellular Ca 2ϩ levels (10, 11) sensed by Ca 2ϩ -binding proteins belonging to the EF-hand superfamily (12). In S. pombe, a total of 23 genes specifies EF-hand-containing Ca 2ϩ -binding proteins, including cam1 (calmodulin) (13), cnb1 (calcineurin B) (14), and the recently characterized ncs1 gene (Ncs1p) (15), belonging to the neuronal calcium sensor (NCS) 2 family (16) expressed mostly in the central nervous system (17, 18).The primary sequence of S. pombe Ncs1p is Ͼ50% identical to neuronal homologs of the NCS branch of the EF-hand superfamily (19,20). Recoverin, the most intensively studied NCS protein, serves as a Ca 2ϩ sensor in retinal rod and cone cells where it controls the desensitization of rhodopsin (21-24). The NCS family also includes neuronal Ca 2ϩ sensors such as neurocalcin (25), hippocalcin (26), and frequenin (27), as well as the budding yeast homolog, Frq1 (28). All members of the NCS family have around 200 amino acid residues, contain N-terminal myristoylation, and possess four EF-hands.Three-dimensional structures are now known for many NCS proteins, including recoverin (29, 30), frequenin (31), Frq1 (32), neurocalcin (33), and guanylate cyclase activator proteins (34, 35). The Ca 2ϩ -bound forms of these proteins all share a common fold with four EF-hands arranged in a tandem array, with an exposed N-terminal myristoyl group. Binding of Ca 2ϩ to recoverin leads to extrusion of its myristoyl group such that many hydrophobic residues become exposed for target recognition (30, 36). The Ca 2ϩ -induced exposure of the myristoyl group, termed the Ca 2ϩ -myristoyl switch, enables recoverin to bind to membrane targets only at high Ca 2ϩ levels (37, 38). NCS proteins interact with and regulate many different physiological targets. Recoverin binds specifically and regulates rhodopsin kinase (23), whereas the guanylate cyclase activator proteins specifically regulate retinal guanylate cyclases (39, 40). NCS-1 and yeast Frq1 activate phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase important for secretion from the Golgi (28). Hippocalcin and VILIP proteins regulate guanylate cyclase and nicotinamide acetylcholine receptors implicated in synaptic plasticity (41). KChIPs (42), hippocalcin (43), and NCS-1 (44) all bind and regulate various ion channels and thus serve as Ca 2ϩ sensors that control membrane excitability. The mechanism of target regulation in each case is not understood, and it remains unclear how the structurally similar NCS proteins are able to specifically bind and regulate so many different target proteins.Yeast genetics is a powerful tool for dissecting NCS protein interactions in signa...