Nitrogenase is activated for N 2 reduction by the accumulation of four electrons/protons on its active site FeMo-cofactor, yielding a state, designated as E 4 , which contains two iron-bridging hydrides [Fe-H-Fe]. A central puzzle of nitrogenase function is an apparently obligatory formation of one H 2 per N 2 reduced, which would "waste" two reducing equivalents and four ATP. We recently presented a draft mechanism for nitrogenase that provides an explanation for obligatory H 2 production. In this model, H 2 is produced by reductive elimination of the two bridging hydrides of E 4 during N 2 binding. This process releases H 2 , yielding N 2 bound to FeMocofactor that is doubly reduced relative to the resting redox level, and thereby is activated to promptly generate bound diazene (HN=NH). This mechanism predicts that during turnover under D 2 /N 2 , the reverse reaction of D 2 with the N 2 -bound product of reductive elimination would generate dideutero-E 4 [E 4 to two ammonia (NH 3 ) molecules-is primarily catalyzed by the Mo-dependent nitrogenase. This enzyme comprises an electron-delivery Fe protein and MoFe protein, which contains the active site FeMo-cofactor ( Fig. 1A) (1, 2). The nitrogenase catalyzed reaction is generally thought to have the limiting stoichiometry shown in Eq. 1 (3),This equation conveys one of the most puzzling aspects of nitrogenase function, for it incorporates an obligatory formation of one mole of H 2 per mole of N 2 reduced, which requires the waste of two reducing equivalents and four ATP (1, 2). A kinetic framework for nitrogenase function that incorporates the stoichiometry of Eq. 1 is provided by the Lowe-Thorneley model (1, 2, 4), which describes transformations among catalytic intermediates (denoted E n ), where n is the number of electrons and protons (n = 0-8) delivered to MoFe protein. N 2 reduction requires activation of the MoFe protein to the E 4 state in which FeMo-cofactor has accumulated four electrons and four protons stored as two hydrides that bridge Fe atoms [Fe-H-Fe] and two protons presumably bound to sulfides of FeMo-cofactor (Fig. 1B) (5-8). The binding of N 2 to the E 4 state is coupled to the stoichiometric evolution of one H 2 per N 2 reduced.We recently presented a draft mechanism for N 2 reduction by nitrogenase that incorporates a mechanistic explanation for obligatory, reversible H 2 loss upon N 2 binding (5). We considered two models for this process, both built on our characterization of the key E 4 state, and tested them against the numerous constraints imposed by turnover under N 2 plus D 2 or T 2 (5, 9-16). In particular, these constraints include the key findings that during catalytic reduction of N 2 (see Scheme S1), a molecule of D 2 or T 2 will reduce two protons to form two HD or HT without D + /T + exchange with solvent, even though neither D 2 nor T 2 by themselves reacts with nitrogenase during turnover under Ar (5). One model, involving protonation of one of the hydrides to form H 2 , and its replacement by N 2 , was shown to violate ...