The vertical and seasonal distributions of the phytoflagellate Cryptomonas spp., and its most common, the planktonic ciliate predators (Oligotrichida, Scuticociliatida, Hypotrichida and Prostomatida) were investigated in chemocline region of small saline, meromictic lake Shunet (Siberia, Russia) during 2003 and 2005. The lake has a pronounced chemocline, with abundance of purple and green sulphur bacteria. Vertical distribution of the Cryptomonas populations near the oxic/anoxic boundary layer was studied at close intervals in water sampled using a hydraulically operated thin-layer sampler. In both summer and winter, Cryptomonas peaked in water stratum 5-10 cm above anoxic zone or in the anoxic zone water column in the chemocline (about 5 m). Ciliate densities and biomass were also much higher in chemocline than in mixolimnion. The range of diurnal migration of Cryptomonas population was not very wide, and it was restricted to layers with high light intensity. The ciliates were sometimes detected above the upper border of the anoxic zone but also several centimetres below this zone.