Concentrations and distributions of Ba, a component of the high et al., 2001), constructed wetlands (Best et al., 1999), zeroexplosive baritol, and RDX (hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine), valent iron (Comfort et al., 2003), and monitored natural a high explosive, were evaluated from 1996 to 2002 within a semiarid alluvial system in Cañ on de Valle, New Mexico. A high explosive attenuation (Pennington et al., 2001). machining facility discharged effluent containing these chemicals to Identifying the key surface and subsurface transport the canyon from 1951 to 1996. The connectivity between alluvial processes of high explosive contamination is critical to groundwater, surface water, and sediment was specifically addressed modeling transport and predicting contaminant concento understand the distributions and dynamics of Ba and RDX in trations in environmental media (Pennington and Branthe alluvial system. Surface water, groundwater, and sediment were non, 2002). However, we are unaware of any studies characterized by conducting hydrologic measurements, geomorphic that have focused on high explosives and Ba contaminamapping, and collecting samples. Barium and RDX in sediment preftion in alluvial and vadose zone canyon settings. In addierentially reside in fine-grained deposits that represent the suspended tion, studies that have examined contaminants in alluvial load redeposited on floodplains following channel scour. However, canyon settings do not typically consider all of the hydro-RDX and Ba show markedly different behaviors in surface water and geomorphic components (e.g., surface water, groundalluvial groundwater because of contrasting geochemical characteristics and transport mechanisms. Barium precipitates in sediments as water, unsaturated bedrock, and canyon bottom soils barite and witherite and readily sorbs to sediment minerals. Therefore, and sediments). Previous studies of contaminated minsediment transport is an important control on its distribution in the ing sites have partially focused on hydrologic conneccanyon. In contrast, RDX appears to occur predominantly in the tions between groundwater and surface water, as well dissolved phase, behaves conservatively, and is most significant in as the role of contaminant exchange between the two groundwater. There is a strong correlation between RDX concentra-(e.g., Fuller and Harvey, 2000; Winde and van der Walt, tions in water and the saturated thickness of the alluvial aquifer. 2004). However, these do not explicitly include interac-During prolonged wet periods, the alluvial aquifer enlarges, causing tions between the unsaturated zone, canyon bottom sedmore RDX to be mobilized within the alluvial system. Subsurface iments, and the surface water and groundwater systems. processes in the alluvial aquifer are therefore most important in con-A geomorphic approach has proven effective in identitrolling present RDX transport, whereas surface processes associated fying the sources and distribution of contaminants in with floods are most important in cont...