All patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) experience motor fluctuations, usually related to chronic levodopa therapy during the course of the disease. These fluctuations constitute the greatest problem for the long-term management of these patients. 1 It is estimated that each year approximately 10% of all patients treated with levodopa will develop motor fluctuations, so that 50% will be affected after five years of sustained levodopa therapy.2 Recently, nonmotor fluctuations have been described, such as sensory, autonomic and psychiatric, in addition to motor fluctuations. 3 The aims of this study were firstly to determine nonmotor symptoms and secondly to ABSTRACT: Objective: Recently described nonmotor fluctuations may cause disability in Parkinson's disease patients. These fluctuations are generally grouped as sensory, autonomic and psychiatric. The clinical spectrum and frequency of these fluctuating symptoms are not well-described. Methods: We studied the relationship of nonmotor fluctuations with motor symptoms and determined the influence of age at disease onset, duration of disease, dosage and duration of levodopa treatment in the appearance of nonmotor fluctuations. R e s u l t s : Statistical analysis showed a relationship of disease-related parameters with sensory and autonomic fluctuations but psychiatric fluctuations were only found to be associated with the duration of levodopa usage. The nonmotor fluctuations included in the study were observed during "on" periods as well as "off" periods. Conclusion: Nonmotor fluctuations had variable presentations. Moreover, their co-appearance with different types of motor fluctuations may be linked to the effect of other neurotransmitter systems acting synchronously with dopamine. Risk factors for sensory and autonomic fluctuations in patients with Parkinson's disease were early age of disease onset, longer duration and higher dose of levodopa use. Psychiatric fluctuations were only associated with higher doses of levodopa.
RÉSUMÉ: Le profil clinique des fluctuations non motrices chez les patients atteints de la maladie deParkinson. Objectif: Les fluctuations non motrices décrites récemment peuvent être invalidantes chez les parkinsoniens. Ces fluctuations sont généralement sensitives, neurovégétatives ou psychiatriques. Le spectre clinique et la fréquence de ces symptômes fluctuants n'ont pas été décrits avec précision. Méthodes: Nous avons étudié la relation entre les fluctuations non motrices et les symptômes moteurs et nous avons déterminé l'influence de l'âge de début de la maladie, la durée de la maladie, le dosage et la durée du traitement par la lévodopa par rapport à l'apparition des fluctuations non motrices. Résultats: L'analyse statistique a montré une relation entre les paramètres reliés à la maladie et les fluctuations sensitives etneurovégétatives. Cependant les fluctuations psychiatriques n'ont été associées qu'à la durée de l'utilisation de la lévodopa. Les fluctuations non motrices incluses dans l'étude étaient observées tant pendant les p...