The k0-INRIM software is a computer program that was recently developed to automatically evaluate combined uncertainty while performing mass fraction measurements adopting the k0-standardization method of Neutron Activation Analysis. In this paper, significant developments of the adopted measurement model, following a complete revision of the detector characterization procedure, are reported. In particular, the efficiency ratio between monitor and analyte γ-emissions accounts for conversions between counting positions, extended sample geometry and self-absorption. In addition, true-coincidence summing, neutron flux gradient, moisture and blank corrections are included in the model. The developed measurement model is implemented in the latest k0-INRIM release; this greatly improves flexibility of the software in most of the common situations encountered in routine analysis without losing its inherent characteristic focused on uncertainty evaluation through propagation of covariances via sensitivity coefficients. A performance test was carried out by measuring the Au mass fraction of a cylindrical sample prepared from electronic waste material. Results obtained by counting the sample at different positions with respect to the detector end-cap are presented.