Foi realizado um estudo teórico da transferência de hidreto entre o cátion 1-adamantila e isopentano, usando a teoria do funcional da densidade em nível PBE1PBE/6-31G (d,p). Os resultados indicaram que há formação de um íon carbônio como intermediário, que é mais estável que os complexos de van der Waals entre os íons carbênios e os alcanos. Os fatores entrópicos são bastante importantes e sobrepujam o termo entálpico à temperatura ambiente.A density functional teory study of the hydride transfer between 1-adamantyl cation and isopentane has been performed at the PBE1PBE/6-31G(d,p) theoretical level. The results indicate that a carbonium ion is involved as intermediate and is more stable than the van der Waals complexes between the carbenium ions and the alkanes. Entropic factors are important and overcome the enthalpic term at room temperature.
Keywords: hydride transfer, carbocations, adamantane, isopentane
IntroductionIntermolecular or bimolecular hydride transfer (HT) is a crucial step in acid-catalyzed hydrocarbon transformations. This reaction is involved in the propagation of the catalytic cycle of cracking 1,2 and alkylation 3 of hydrocarbons, as well as in the formation of aromatic hydrocarbons 4 in gasoline and coke, 5,6 which are carbonaceous materials deposit over the catalyst surface that may lead to loss of activity. Conceptually, HT involves the bimolecular transfer of a hydride from an alkane to a carbenium ion (Scheme 1). R⊕ + R'-H → R-H + R'⊕ Scheme 1. Schematic representation of hydride transfer reactions.In the gas phase, HT is much slower than proton transfer 7 and shows a negative temperature dependence. [8][9][10] The reaction is believed to occur via formation of a "tight" complex, 11,12 whose structure may resemble a carbonium ion, 13 formed by the interaction of the empty p-orbital of a carbenium ion with the C-H bond of the alkane. The reaction is used 14,15 to assess the carbenium ion stability in the gas phase.In condensed phase, especially on zeolites and other solid acid catalysts, there are few studies regarding hydride transfer. 16,17 Product distribution obtained from bimolecular alkane reactions is potentially interesting for the evaluation of the HT capability of solid acids. However, the validity of the results depends on the system chosen as model reaction. Indeed, variation of the hydride acceptor seems to affect the rates of hydride transfer to a considerably greater extent, than an equal change of the thermodynamic driving force caused by variation of the hydride donor. 18 In addition, some systems involve simultaneous reactions competing with HT, and may significantly affect the interpretation of the results.The 1-adamantyl cation is a stable species 19 and can be synthesized from the 1-adamantanol and fluorosulfonic acid-antimony pentafluoride. 20 On the zeolite surface, this species can be also generated from its halide. 21 In addition de Oliveira et al. 2181 Vol. 21, No. 12, 2010 to the stabilization by sC-C bond hyperconjugation, the 1-adamantyl cation has a cage ...