Probabilities for adiabatic or near-adiabatic state
transformation within a highly excited shell of Li(n = 25) were
studied experimentally and theoretically for a time dependent
electric field, E⃗(t), and a constant magnetic field,
B⃗. The fields were sufficiently weak and the
time dependence slow enough such that only states belonging to
the chosen shell were involved. The studies show that the
dynamics are governed by the approximate hydrogenic character of
the system in most cases, but for some specific time dependences
it is influenced strongly by core interactions as expressed
through the quantum defects, δl. The s-state is
effectively decoupled from the rest of the n = 25 manifold due
to a very large quantum defect. However the quantum defects of
the p, d and f states are shown to play a decisive role in
the dynamics. The core interactions lead to avoided crossings,
non-adiabatic state transformations, and possibly even
phase-interference effects. When a resonance condition
pertaining to the hydrogenic character of the system is
fulfilled, a linear Stark state is transformed completely
into a circular Stark state oriented along E⃗f.