We studied the concentrations and diffusive fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and methane (CH 4 ) in 12 lakes in a size range of 0.004-35 km 2 and mean total organic carbon (TOC) range of 6-25 mg L 21 , located in the southern boreal area of Finland. TOC, mainly originating from the catchment, was the best predictor of concentrations and areal CO 2 effluxes in the whole lake-area range, but among the lakes with an area , 1 km 2 having an anoxic hypolimnion during summer, the areal effluxes were also related to lake size and an index of turbulence. The concentration and areal effluxes of CH 4 from the lakes' pelagic zones were related more closely to lake-sizerelated water column stability and turbulent mixing than directly to TOC. The total regional flux estimate from 619 lakes in the region of 1600 km 2 showed that seven lakes with an area of 10-50 km 2 were responsible for 57-69% of the pelagic CO 2 effluxes and about half of the sum of pelagic and littoral CH 4 effluxes from the lakes. The proportion accounted for by the small lakes (area , 1 km 2 ) in the gas effluxes was 1.4-2.1 times higher, 18-26% for CO 2 and 21-26% for CH 4 , than their areal proportion (12.5%) in the landscape, although numerically these small lakes predominate in the whole lake population (96%).Most inland waters worldwide have been shown to be supersaturated with the greenhouse gases (GHG) carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and methane (CH 4 ), and thus release these gases to the atmosphere (Cole et al. 1994;Bastviken et al. 2004). The GHG supersaturation indicates that freshwater ecosystems play an important role in the global carbon cycle by mineralizing and/or accumulating terrestrial organic carbon (Tranvik et al. 2009). By applying Pareto distribution analysis, Downing et al. (2006) estimated that . 99% of the world's lakes have an area , 1 km 2 and these small lakes form , 43% of the global lake area. Thus, in many recent analyses of lake-rich landscapes, the role of small lakes has received much attention, because the small headwater lakes are more typically characterized by higher concentrations of allochthonous organic carbon than the larger lowland lakes (Xenopoulos et al. 2003;Hanson et al. 2007;Einola et al. 2011). In the boreal region, high fluxes of total organic carbon (TOC), originating mainly from peatland and forested catchments (Kortelainen 1993;Humborg et al. 2010), are among the most important factors contributing to CO 2 supersaturation and oxygen consumption in the lake water columns and sediments (Salonen et al. 1983;Larsen et al. 2011). As a result of anaerobic decomposition of organic matter, high concentrations of CH 4 are typical in eutrophic lakes with an anoxic hypolimnion but also in sheltered forest lakes, which likewise develop marked and prolonged hypolimnetic anoxia. It has been suggested that spring and fall mixing periods are generally the periods of the greatest effluxes of GHG into the atmosphere. However, rainy periods may also be followed by efflux peaks , and thus precipitation influences the inte...