In eukaryotes, neuropathy target esterase (Nte1p in yeast) deacylates phosphatidylcholine derived exclusively from the CDP-choline pathway to produce glycerophosphocholine (GroPCho) and release two fatty acids. The metabolic fate of GroPCho in eukaryotic cells is currently not known. Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains two open reading frames predicted to contain glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domains, YPL110c and YPL206c. Pulse-chase experiments were conducted to monitor GroPCho metabolic fate under conditions known to alter CDP-choline pathway flux and consequently produce different rates of formation of GroPCho. From this analysis, it was revealed that GroPCho was metabolized to choline, with this choline serving as substrate for renewed synthesis of phosphatidylcholine. YPL110c played the major role in this metabolic pathway. To extend and confirm the metabolic studies, the ability of the ypl110c⌬ and ypl206c⌬ strains to utilize exogenous GroPCho or glycerophosphoinositol as the sole source of phosphate was analyzed. Consistent with our metabolic profiling, the ypl206c⌬ strain grew on both substrates with a similar rate to wild type, whereas the ypl110c⌬ strain grew very poorly on GroPCho and with moderately reduced growth on glycerophosphoinositol.
Phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho)2 is the major phospholipid of eukaryotic cells, and regulation of its biosynthesis, degradation, and relative distribution among different membranous structures is critical for cellular function (1). In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, PtdCho is synthesized through two different pathways (2). The CDP-choline (CDP-Cho) or Kennedy pathway involves the activation of choline (Cho) to CDP-Cho via a phosphorylcholine (P-Cho) intermediate for condensation with diacylglycerol to produce PtdCho. Through the methylation pathway, PtdCho is produced through sequential methylation of phosphatidylethanolamine. When Cho is not present in the growth medium, the activity of the CDP-Cho pathway is not reduced; instead, Cho derived from turnover of PtdCho produced by the methylation pathway is used for PtdCho synthesis through the CDP-choline pathway (3). Both the CDP-choline and methylation pathways are subject to regulation by the Ino2p and Ino4p transcription factors (2, 4). When inositol is available as a precursor, the activity of the methylation pathway is reduced by transcriptional repression of the methyltransferase-encoding genes OPI3 and CHO2, as is expression of CKI1 and CPT1 encoding the first and the third enzymes of the CDP-Cho pathway. The addition of Cho to inositol-containing medium further reduces transcription of these genes through an as yet to be determined mechanism.In contrast to phospholipid biosynthesis, much less is known about their catabolism. In yeast, PtdCho can be degraded by B and D type phospholipases. The major PtdCho phospholipase D is Spo14p, catalyzing the scission of a phosphoester bond to produce phosphatidic acid and Cho. Spo14p is essential for sporulation and Sec14p-independent secretion (3, 5, 6). Phospholipase...