“…It is highly specific, allowing one to differentiate serum creatinine increase due to a nephrotoxicity from other causes of creatinine increases [36][37][38], It is however less sensitive than tubular markers and difficult to use in a routine fashion [38]. Finally, urinary casts [7,17,36,41] and urinary elimina tion of tubular brush border [9,10,28,48] and lysosome [9,31,48] enzymes and low molecular weight proteins [2,5,14,18,21,29,36,[38][39][40]48] have been used as indicators of tubular aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity in experimental animals [1,3,10,31,49] and in man [5,9,14,18,21,28,36,[38][39][40]. p2m, one of the most widely used tubular markers of aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity in man [5,14,21,36,38,…”