Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah untuk mendampingi kelompok sadar wisata (Pokdarwis) dan masyarakat dalam mengelola Bendungan Sungai Paku. Pelaksanaan pengabdian ini menggunakan pendekatan Participatory Rural Appraisal dengan mengedepankan prinsip kebersamaan dan kolaborasi, mitra dalam kegiatan ini berjumlah 20 orang yang terdiri dari unsur pokdarwis, pemuda, masyarakat dan Pemerintah Desa Sungai Paku. Tahap pelaksanaan pengabdian meliputi persiapan pembentukan tim, perumusan tujuan, identifikasi pemangku kepentingan, pengumpulan dan analisis kebutuhan, penentuan prioritas solusi masalah, persiapan, pelaksanaan, monitoring, evaluasi dan penentuan kebutuhan lainnya. Hasil pengabdian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari segi waktu kegiatan terlaksana sesuai dengan perencanaan. Partisipasi mitra sangat baik mereka terlibat aktif mulai dari proses awal hingga akhir. Bersama masyarakat tim pengabdian membangun dan memperindah objek foto sebagai daya tarik tambahan. Dari sisi kelembagaan dilaksanakan penyuluhan tentang kepariwisataan serta manajemen kelompok. Dalam penyuluhan ditekankan bahwa keberhasilan pengelolaan suatu objek wisata sangat bergantung pada kontribusi aktif masyarakat secara pentahelix. Peserta kegiatan antusias mengikuti rangkaian acara. Keikutsertaan dalam rangkaian pengabdian ini didasari oleh keinginan untuk memajukan dan membangun objek wisata Bendungan Sungai Paku. Sementara itu, respon masyarakat terhadap kegiatan pengabdian memperoleh nilai yang tinggi (baik) antara 3,7-4,5. Secara garis besar, masyarakat merasakan manfaat dari kegiatan yang dilakukan dan berharap kegiatan serupa dapat berlanjut di tahun berikutnya agar pengelolaan potensi Bendungan Sungai Paku semakin optimal sebagai sumber penghasilan masyarakat berbasis potensi alam.
Collaboration-Based Empowerment in Physical and Human Resources Management at Bendungan Sungai Paku
The purpose of this service is to assist the tourism awareness group (Pokdarwis) and the community in managing the Bendungan Sungai Paku. The implementation of this service uses the Participatory Rural Appraisal approach by prioritizing the principles of togetherness and collaboration, the partners in this activity totaled 20 people consisting of elements of Pokdarwis, youth, community and Sungai Paku Village Government. The stage of service implementation includes preparation of team formation, formulation of objectives, identification of stakeholders, collection and analysis of needs, prioritization of problem solutions, preparation, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and determination of other needs. The results of this service can be concluded that in terms of time the activities were carried out in accordance with the plan. Partner participation is very good, they are actively involved from the beginning to the end of the process. Together with the community, the service team built and beautified the photo object as an additional attraction. From the institutional side, counseling on tourism and group management was carried out. In counseling, it is emphasized that the success of managing a tourist attraction is highly dependent on the active contribution of the community in a pentahelix manner. The participants were enthusiastic in participating in the series of events. Participation in this series of services is based on the desire to advance and develop the Bendungan Sungai Paku tourist attraction. Meanwhile, the community's response to the community service activities received a high score (good) between 3.7-4.5. Broadly speaking, the community feels the benefits of the activities carried out and hopes that similar activities can continue in the following year so that the management of the potential of the Bendungan Sungai Paku is optimized as a source of income for the community based on natural potential.