The turn of the 21st century has been marked by dramatic changes in the political, social and environmental panorama, which are deeply afecting the way we live today: terrorism, migration and global warming are certainly the most pressing issues, and they are putting at risk our very life on this planet. So far we have come to acknowledge that we must simply coexist with such problems and learn to live with their consequences in our everyday life. But while coexistence refers to the mere - and often imposed - action of living together without any productive interaction, co-habitation implies living together peacefully, while promoting some form of exchange. This is why we believe that in the future architecture, city, and landscape should approach such emergencies fostering interaction and productive exchanges between diferent disciplines and cultures. Co-habitation can be achieved through tactics, which ofer the possibility to generate new creative spaces within the felds of architecture, city and landscape. Tactics - a term, which evokes the ancient Greek expression art of arrangement - are actions undertaken by, or addressed towards, the actual consumers/users. Such actions are fexible, they can be continuously modifed, reshaped and adapted to cope with external interferences. The International Scientifc Conference - organized in the framework of Tirana Architecture Week 2018 - aims at exploring contemporary research activities and design tactics that deal with the topic of co-habitation from diferent perspectives and within diferent felds of interest, directly or indirectly related to architecture, city, and landscape. Through the observation of diferent tactics adopted by researchers and professionals, the hope is to identify new research and design trajectories. Within this broader framework, three contexts (architecture, city, and landscape) and eight topics related to the concept of co-habitation (climate change, ecosystem, energy transitions, memory, migration, mobility, technology, and tourism) have been identifed. Contributes from the felds of sociology, architecture, urbanism, planning, leisure and cultural studies, geography, anthropology are welcome, as much as other sciences not mentioned above.