Chronic hemorrhagic anemia (CHA) and anemia of chronic inflammation (ACI) are difficult to differentiate in small animals using hematology. Advanced hematological parameters (RET-He, Delta-He and %Hypo-He) are used in humans to discriminate between types of non-regenerative anemia. Whether they could be useful in the diagnosis of CHA and ACI in small animals is unknown. We evaluated these parameters in the Sysmex XN-1000V analyzer in a population of non-anemic and anemic dogs and cats. Delta-He was significantly different between dogs with CHA and ACI. Moreover, Delta-He and RET-He were different between healthy and non-anemic dogs with inflammation. Neither of these two statements was true for cats. We also report the reference ranges for these parameters using the Sysmex XN-1000V. Although additional clinical and laboratory information should always be considered, the measurement of these parameters using this analyzer can help clinicians to classify type of anemia.