The egg-plant, Solanum Melongena, L., is one of the most important vegetable crops in Japan, its fruit being used in various ways for cooking and pickling. Seed is readily produced by artificial crossing and a small amount can be used for a comparatively large area. Hence, if this plant exhibits hybrid vigor in an appreciable degree, first generation hybrids may be utilized for commercial culture. With this in view, the author made an experiment with forty-one intervarietal crosses of egg-plants, comparing them with their parental strains, during four years from 1922 till 1925. The present paper reports the results and the extent of the practical utilization of FI crosses of this plant. Contribution No. 13 of the Department of Horticulture of the SAITAMA AGRICULTURAL E~PEIUMENT STATION. A part of this paper has been formerly published in Japanese in Agri-