“…It will be noted that improper storage of the experimental chrome vaccine at 410 C affected the Vi-antigen markedly, as shown by all the in vivo tests; but this was a severe and artificial stability test, which does not contradict the other good qualities of the chrome vaccine-namely its Vi-antigen stability and its protective properties in both active and passive mouse protection tests. The conclusions to be drawn from this series of tests, however, have to be considered against the results of the field trials in Yugoslavia and the laboratory 48 E. E. VELLA Chrome typhoid vaccine assays of the vaccines used in that trial (Cvjetanovic, 1957;Yugoslavia Typhoid Commission, 1957;Edsall, Carlson, Foomal & Benenson, 1959;Standfast, 1960), in which the phenolized vaccine gave better protection to vaccinated persons than the alcoholized vaccine, notwithstanding the generally recognized preserving effect of alcohol treatment on the Vi-antigen of typhoid suspensions on one hand and the damaging effect of heat and phenol on the other (Felix, Rainsford & Stokes, 1941;Bensted, 1940;Climie, 1942;Felix & Anderson, 1951). The Japanese workers have conducted human trials on numerous occasions with satisfactory results, and have demonstrated the rise of Vi-antibodies which was effected by the chrome vaccine, as compared with the usual lack of these antibodies when heat-killed vaccines are used.…”