Introduction. Chromogranin A (CgA) lipoprotein is one of the important representatives of the group of granins. CgA is found in neuroendocrine, endocrine, and nerve cells [2,21]. CgA is a granulogenic factor that regulates secretory functions in tissues. CgA participates in the generation of secretory granules, and its breakdown products are biologically active peptides [4,8,21]. CgA helps regulate secretion in granules and produces several degradation products after secretion. Some of the products obtained after CgA degradation alter hormonal functions in autocrine and paracrine ways [9,18].Recent studies [13,15,16,17,19,20,23] have shown that CgA and some of its breakdown products, namely (pancreastatin, catestatin, vasostatin 1, WE-14) play an important role in the pathogenesis of various forms of diabetes [4,6,14,18,24], but the exact mechanisms of their action are still unclear. Several studies [12,17,20] have reported higher levels of pancreastatin and WE-14 in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes [12].According to a number of authors [1,11,13,15,18], pancreastatin, catestatin, and vasostatin play an important role in metabolic syndromes, namely obesity, diabetes, and others. Pancreastatin affects insulin [4,17,23], weakening insulin sensitivity and enhances inflammatory processes, while pancreastatin inhibitory peptide (PSTi8) improves insulin sensitivity and regulates glucose homeostasis [6,17,24]. In contrast, catestatin CST increases insulin sensitivity and reduces inflammatory reactions. According to a number of studies [12,17,20,23,24] pancreastatin and catestatin regulate pancreatic β-cell insulin secretion and glucose metabolism. The metabolic effect of the peptide fragments obtained after CgA cleavage allows us to speculate on their possible participation in the pathophysiology of diabetes and to use it as a