Abstract. This study aims at contributing to a better understanding of the linkage between supply chain performance and possible performance improvement with respect to food quality and safety. Therefore, the paper addresses the question whether the level of collaborative planning and close supply chain relationships could help improve quality and safety of organic supply chains. The study was conducted as a part of the multi-disciplinary EU-wide survey of organic supply chains, carried out in 8 European countries. In this paper we report the results of the study regarding the structures and performance of six different organic supply chains in these eight European countries: milk (CH, UK), apples (DE, CH), pork (UK, NL), eggs (DE, UK), wheat (HU, IT, FR) and tomatoes (IT, NL). In depth interviews with keyinformants were carried out in 2006 to investigate the structures, performance and relationships within the supply chains. Results show a low level of collaboration among various actors especially on cost and benefits sharing. Highly integrated supply chains show higher collaboration especially in the domain of Decision Synchronization. Trust and collaboration appear to be related with increased performance, while, the higher the perceived risk for quality and safety is, the higher the probability of supply chain collaboration.
IntroductionSupply chain management (SCM) does not only refer to efficient integration between buyers and suppliers in planning and implementing all activities involved in sourcing, producing, and logistics management [1,2] . It also includes coordination and collaboration among all chain actors, including customers. The collaborative role of the supply chain members is of leading importance when a sustainable competitive advantage has to be obtained for all members of the chain1. Only a few studies describing the structures and performance of organic supply chains were conducted in the past [3,4,5,6,7] . No study investigating the effect of supply chains on food quality and safety is available. Most of these studies report a number of issues concerning organic supply chain structure and performance: -high operating costs; -lack of alignment between supply and demand, poor reliability of supply; -lack of collaboration among chain members; -different values and motivation among different actors in the chain; -lack of information flow. Members of organic food chains face several challenges in managing and linking profitability and the quality of the product [8] . The complex configuration of food chains and their actors complicates quality * Corresponding Author: zanoli@agrecon.univpm.it. 1 Non-collaborative behaviour -as will be briefly discussed further -may favour some members of the chain, generally the downstream ones (buyers). 1 assurance on the one side and the equitable and efficient allocation of costs and returns to the supply chain actors on the other [9] . The aim of this paper is to analyse supply chain structures for selected organic commodities in Europe, and to identify the...