To assess the extent of antimicrobial stewardship programs (ASPs) at solid organ (SOT) and hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) centers in the United States (US).
An 18-item voluntary survey was developed by Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and University of Miami to gauge current antimicrobial stewardship practices in transplant patients, examine the availability and perceived usefulness of novel diagnostics and azole levels to guide therapy, and identify challenges for implementation of ASPs at these centers.
The survey was distributed electronically to Infectious Disease physicians and pharmacists at adult and pediatric SOT and HCT centers during May 1–22, 2015. Facilities were de-identified.
After duplicate removal, 71 (56%) of 127 unique transplant centers in 32 states were analyzed. Forty-four sites (62%) performed ≥ 100 SOT annually, and forty (56%) performed ≥100 HCT annually. Top five stewardship activities encompassing transplant patients included formulary restriction, guideline development, prospective audit & feedback, education, and dose optimization. Respiratory viral panels (100%), azole levels (97%), and serum/BAL galactomannan (88%) were perceived as most useful to guide therapy. Apparent challenges to antimicrobial stewardship included: undefined duration for certain infections (90%), diagnostic uncertainty (80%), the perception that antibiotic-resistant infections required escalation (71%), prescriber opposition (69%), and costly drugs (63%).
ASP activities were performed at many adult and pediatric SOT and HCT centers in the US. Diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainty in transplant patients are challenging for ASPs. Collaborative research to examine the impact of antimicrobial stewardship practices in SOT and HCT should be explored.