“…Longitudinal, cross-sectional and qualitative studies, now summarized in multiple reviews, have documented substantial levels of social and occupational impairment in BD, even during euthymia Burdick, Goldberg, & Harrow, 2010;Coryell et al, 1993;Dickerson et al, 2010;Huxley & Baldessarini, 2007;Latalova, Prasko, Diveky, & Velartova, 2011;Martino et al, 2011;McMorris, Downs, Panish, & Dirani, 2010;Michalak, Yatham, Maxwell, Hale, & Lam, 2007;Michalak et al, 2011;Montoya et al, 2010;Pope, Dudley, & Scott, 2007;Rosa et al, 2010). Longitudinal studies show that between 90 to 98% of people receiving treatment for an acute episode of BD achieve syndromal recovery within six months to two years Dickerson et al, 2010;Huxley & Baldessarini, 2007;Tohen, Waternaux, & Tsuang, 1990;Tohen et al, 2000).…”