In 2006, the State of Delaware and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) partnered with the Consortium for Policy Research in Education (CPRE) to conduct an evaluation of a ten-state initiative that sought to enhance assessment practices at the high school level. This effort aimed to help states, districts, and schools build familiarity with instruction that uses assessment as part of the learning process, a practice known as assessment for learning. This report focuses primarily on the third goal of this project, the creation and function of teacher learning teams focused on assessment for learning.
February 2009
Consortium for Policy Research in Education
About the Consortium for Policy Research in EducationThe Consortium for Policy Research in Education (CPRE) unites seven of the nation's top research institutions in an exciting venture to improve student learning through research on policy, finance, school reform, and school governance. The members of CPRE are the University of Pennsylvania, Teachers College Columbia University, Harvard University, Stanford University, the University of Michigan, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Northwestern University. CPRE is currently examining how alternative approaches to reform -such as new accountability policies, teacher compensation, whole-school reform approaches, and efforts to contract out instructional services-address issues of coherence, incentives, and capacity.To learn more about CPRE, visit our website at or call 215-573-0700. CPRE Research Reports are issued by CPRE to facilitate the exchange of ideas among policymakers, practitioners, and researchers who share an interest in education policy. The views expressed in the reports are those of individual authors and are not necessarily shared by CPRE or its institutional partners.