We analyze performance of a class of time-delay first-order consensus networks from a graph topological perspective and present methods to improve it. The performance is measured by network's square of H 2 -norm and it is shown that it is a convex function of Laplacian eigenvalues and the coupling weights of the underlying graph of the network. First, we propose a tight convex, but simple, approximation of the performance measure in order to achieve lower complexity in our design problems by eliminating the need for eigen-decomposition. The effect of time-delay reincarnates itself in the form of non-monotonicity, which results in nonintuitive behaviors of the performance as a function of graph topology. Next, we present three methods to improve the performance by growing, re-weighting, or sparsifying the underlying graph of the network. It is shown that our suggested algorithms provide near-optimal solutions with lower complexity with respect to existing methods in literature.performance measure for network synthesis, (iii) low time complexity algorithms to design state feedback controllers for performance enhancement of time-delay linear consensus networks. In section III, we express the H2-norm performance of a time-delay linear consensus network in terms of its Laplacian spectrum. Furthermore, we prove that this performance measure is convex with respect to coupling weights and Laplacian spectrum, and in addition, it is an increasing function of time-delay. In section IV, we discuss topologies with optimal performance. Furthermore, we quantify a sharp lower bound on the best achievable performance for a network with a fixed timedelay. In presence of time-delay, the H2-norm performance of firstorder consensus network is not monotone decreasing with respect to connectivity, which impose challenges in design of the optimal network as increasing connectivity may deteriorate the performance. Then, we present methods to improve the performance measure. We categorize these procedures as growing, reweighting, and sparsification. Although the H2-norm performance is a convex function of Laplacian eigenvalues, direct use of this spectral function in our network design problems requires eigen-decomposition, which adds to time complexity of our design procedures. To overcome this, our key idea is to calculate an approximation function of the performance measure that spares us eigen-decomposition of the Laplacian matrix. In section V, we tackle the combinatorial problem of improving the non-monotone performance measure of the time-delay network by adding new interconnection links. Our time-complexity analysis of our proposed algorithm to grow a time-delay network shows that it can be done in O(n 3 + mn 2 + kn 2 ) arithmetic operations, where n is number of nodes, m is number of rows of the output matrix C and k is maximum number of new interconnections. Section VI discusses reweighting of the coupling weights as an approach to improve the performance measure. This design problem can be cast as a semidefinite programming (SD...