The purpose of this study was to investigate "Who the Greek spectator is". Demographics and personal characteristics of 2,322 spectators were investigated. All participants are randomly selected football fans. They filled out the questionnaires voluntarily. Age, profession, education, marital status, and monthly income were the main demographic issues that were examined according to Greenwell et al. [25], and Lambrecht et al. [36]. Besides, the possession of a season ticket, the frequency of attending football games, and the team they supported were further investigated. Results showed that Greek spectators are 20 -29 years of age (29%), high school graduates (38.3%), unmarried (47.4%), without children (52%), privately employed (27.3%), with a total monthly income 701 € -1,000 € (21%). Moreover, personal characteristics questions showed that most of the participants are fans of the Olympiacos SFP team (16.2%), and attend the football games twice a month (27.5%), with a single ticket (51%). Taking into consideration the theoretical background, which indicates that the identity of sport spectators can influence customers' future intentions, the results of the present study, which was conducted on a rather large sample, seem promising [1]. Academics and sport managers could use this information to better understand spectators' future intentions and design marketing strategies aimed at getting customers back and attracting new ones to the stadiums after the pandemic.