To determine the significance of low-level DSA (donor specific antibody) in patients transplanted with negative cytotoxicity AHG (antihuman immunoglobulin) crossmatch, data from 279 patients who received a kidney transplant between July 1999 and March 2006 were collected. All kidney recipients received ABO-compatible donors. A poor outcome was defined as any one of the following: death, Cr42.0 mmol/L, occurrence of a rejection episode. Luminex Screening and Single Antigen assays from Tepnel Life Codes were used to detect human leukocyte antigen antibodies on pre-transplant sera retrospectively. Twenty-four out of 279 recipients demonstrated the presence of solid-phase DSA (MFI41000) present pre-transplant. In DSA+ group, the accumulated good versus poor outcome rate was 0.30 versus 0.70, respectively. These rates were 0.49 and 0.51, respectively, in the DSAÀ group. The difference in composite poor outcome between DSA+ versus DSAÀ group was significant (p ¼ 0.030). The DSAÀ group had no difference in patient survival as compared to the DSA+ group (p ¼ 0.061). There is no statistically significant difference for either mortality or outcome results between high MFI (42000) and low MFI ( 2000) groups. Our data suggest that solid-phase antibodies which are not strong enough to elicit a positive T-AHG crossmatch may influence long-term graft outcome.