The right to work and social security is one of the basic human rights recognized by the international community. The implementation of these rights guarantees the satisfaction of socially significant needs - basic human needs (fundamental physiological needs and safety needs). Thus, a life and a development of a person, social groups and the whole society are ensured. Guarantees for the realization of the right to work and social security are especially important in times of instability and lack of confidence in the future, which is largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the social value of labour law and social security law is currently increasing. The authors emphasize that most of the working-age population can satisfy socially significant needs with the help of stable employment, decent wages, safe and healthy working conditions. However, when social risks affect a person, he or she can be deprived of this opportunity. So, the satisfaction not only of fundamental physiological needs, but also of safety needs is realized with social security law.