During a pandemic, employees do their jobs in different ways. Not all employees can do their job in the workplace. Some of them have to work from home. In addition, employees at the beginning of their careers who are continuing their studies must also follow their education from home. Conditions like this will affect the development of resources carried out by the company they work for and will affect their job satisfaction. The study will test and analyze the influence of human resource development on early career employees' satisfaction, which is mediated by organizational culture and individual competence. Researchers conducted a survey method at the undergraduate student at Private Institute in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. The sample of this study is undergraduate student and employees on their early careers. First purpose of the research is to see early career employees' job satisfaction during the pandemic. This paper is the beginning of an assessment of the research to be carried out. The results obtained indicate that employees at the beginning of their careers are satisfied with their work as seen from the statement that employee satisfaction with their work is good (range 1-7). The temporary conclusion from the research results is that despite the pandemic conditions that cause employees to have to work from home, continue their education from home, job satisfaction is still good. This research will be continued by looking at how some of the conditions experienced affect employee job satisfaction.