Advancements in electronics and the rapid evolution of technology necessitate that higher education institutions continuously adapt their curricula to accommodate new teaching methodologies and emergent tools. This paper examines the impact of integrating flipped learning and digital laboratories into practical sessions of a Basic Electronics course by analyzing 5 years of data. Using an action research methodology, the research was conducted through three phases: traditional in‐person teaching, fully online instruction during the COVID‐19 pandemic, and a hybrid model combining flipped classrooms, digital laboratories, and in‐person sessions. The findings reveal that the hybrid model, blending digital and traditional methods, significantly enhanced student performance, particularly in practical tasks. Furthermore, digital laboratories provide students with a risk‐free environment to simulate real‐world electronic scenarios, fostering deeper cognitive engagement and reducing the cognitive load during in‐person sessions. The flipped classroom structure encouraged active learning and peer collaboration, which led to greater student motivation, lower absenteeism, and improved learning outcomes. Additionally, students demonstrated a marked increase in their ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical problems, highlighting the effectiveness of this approach in bridging the gap between theory and practice. This model enhances cognitive and motivational learning dimensions, providing a balanced, effective approach to modern engineering education. The results can potentially contribute to the understanding of effective pedagogical strategies in adapting engineering education to meet the challenges of the digital age.