With growing global attention on sustainable environmental development, green investment has become an important tool to drive the green transformation of the economy. Financial agglomeration areas, as capital-intensive regions, provide strong support for green technological innovation and eco-environmental projects. Additionally, the policy inclinations and investment preferences of financial agglomeration areas directly influence the flow and efficiency of green funds, further shaping the path of economic green transformation. Based on this, this paper selects panel data from 31 provinces in China (except Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan) over 15 years from 2007 to 2021. Using the fixed effects model, the study examines the impact of financial agglomeration on the scale of green investment and conducts a heterogeneous analysis of the effects in different regions of China, as well as proposing related policy suggestions. The results show that an increase in the level of financial agglomeration can significantly enhance the scale of green investment in a region, especially in the central regions. Compared to the eastern and western regions, the promotion effect of financial agglomeration is more pronounced in the central region.