The good recruitment program can provide a positive influence to increasing employee commitment, productivity and the quality of work including performance. The relationship of employee retention on performance is exceedingly complex. There is evidence that performance can decrease if the employee retention is bad and there is a possibility of stagnation if employee turnover is too dejected. Besides recruitment and employee retention, the labor relations can also affect the employee performance, where the problems usually arise from the difference of work, age and demographics. Research will be conducted to examine, whether there is a significant impact on recruitment, employee retention, and labor relations to employee performance on batik industry in Solo. The results of this analysis indicate that the recruitment, retention, and labor relations found a significant effect on employee performance. On the other hand, the recruitment and employee retention found a significant effect on employee performance. As well as recruitment and employee retention, labor relations found significant effects to the employee re-tention. The results also found the recruiting and employee retention have a significant impact on employee performance through the labor relations. As well as the recruitment significantly influence on labor relations through the employee retention.Keywords: Recruitment; Employee Retention; Labor Relations; Employee Performance.