Welcome to Washington, D.C. for the 110th APSA Annual Meeting! This year's theme, Politics after the Digital Revolution, asks political scientists to consider the impact of digital technologies on politics and on how we study and teach politics. We know it's a more substantively focused charge for the meeting than in previous years, but its importance has clearly increased over the past year. asked you to consider issues such as collection of data about private citizens, the role of big data policy processes, the explosion of social media to document major world events, the use of data in political campaigns, efforts of governments to censor information, and new security challenges of information warfare. The response is exciting: at this meeting's theme panels and roundtables, you will find scholarship that considers politics after the digital revolution across the dozens of organized sections that define the broad substantive and methodological perspectives of the association. Not least of all, you will find active engagement with leading practitioners in public service, the mass media, think tanks, and the business community.It has been a real pleasure to work with APSA President John Aldrich over the past year. We encourage you to attend the Presidential Address, "Did Hamilton, Jefferson, and Madison 'Cause' the Government Shutdown? The Institutional Path from an 18th-Century Republic to a 21st-Century Democracy," on Thursday, August 28 at 6:15 p.m. in Salon 3 in the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel. The Opening Reception follows immediately at 7:15 p.m. next door in Salon 2. Please also attend the Annual General Membership Meeting on August 30 at 11:30 a.m. in Thurgood Marshall Ballroom West in the Wardman Park Hotel. APSA governance is important to all of us; it depends on participation by committed members. The meeting will provide an update APSA and an opportunity to express your views, to thank President Aldrich for his service, and to welcome President-Elect Rodney Hero.We extend our sincere thanks to the program committee members for their hard work and good judgment assembling a terrific program. We know you will appreciate the results. Thanks too, to ASPA Executive Director Steven Rathgeb Smith and his outstanding staff for their professionalism and grace in pulling it all together.