Immunosuppressant therapies are considered vital for the long-term survival of kidney grafts, however it can significantly modify patients’ HRQOL because of their adverse effects and the complex medication schedule they represent. Aims: (1) To explore symptom experiences and symptom distress with adverse effects of immunosuppressive therapies, (2) To assess the impact of symptoms experience and symptoms distress on health-related quality of life among renal transplant recipient, and (3) To correlate them with gender. One hundred Renal transplant recipients were interviewed using the End-Stage Renal Disease Symptom Checklist Transplantation Module (ESRDSCL-TM). Results: Most of the renal transplant participants reported best and good quality of life, however, there were a statistically significant differences by gender. Women reported low satisfaction in quality of life comparing with men. In relation to the most frequent distressing symptoms in men and women, the study revealed that women reported higher levels in majority of the given symptoms distress such as back pain, increased hair growth and mood swings. Moreover, women perceived higher means levels with respect to increased appetite while men reported more distress for the items as increased appetite, mood swings, decreased interest in sex, depression, and sleeplessness. Conclusion: Renal transplant recipients had good quality of life with immunosuppressive therapies, but intensive assessment of patients after transplantation should be done to identify their needs. Moreover, consideration should be taken with regards gender variations thus help planning to get better quality of life, as a relatively normal lifestyle is re-established.