Manufacturing Firms are basic resources that incorporate social sustainability aspects and adopt supply chain management strategies into their operation to guarantee excellent supplier to customer relationships. In this paper, a new standard adoption practice in manufacturing firms is proposed which focuses on customer satisfaction, the manufacturing firm’s skills and the operational uncertainty It is mainly based on the membership function in fuzzy control theory, and adopt a reasonable practice in manufacturing firm window to build the customer satisfaction model. At the same time, formulate the taxonomy of SCSS issues and practices adopted by firms. The method in this article consists of 2 steps. First, the taxonomy, and second, we used a first-hand analysis of a sample of 29 companies using non-financial reports to find the standard adoption method. Finally, through the particle algorithm, the company has gained different faces of social sustainable development practices in the upper and lower supply chains cantered on many distinctive industries. In addition, for supply chain experts who do not understand the composition of SCSS, the results of the research are very important and very interesting to them, and they have a unique understanding of adoption practices.