The present investigation aims to evaluate the algal diversity and water
quality status of four different freshwater resources. The study areas
were two paddy fields in Thalakkulathur and two natural ponds in
Kayanna, Kozhikode district, Kerala, for six months, from August 2022 to
January 2023. The samples were collected according to standard
procedures at various sites in the study area. During the collection,
physical and chemical parameters were analyzed using the collected water
samples separately in PET bottles. The observation and documentation of
algae were done using the LABOMED Binocular Microscope Lx 400 and
photographed using a Sony Cybershot Camera. Different algal species like
Nostoc linckia, Oscillatoria annae, Chrococcus indicus, Anabaena
sphaerica, Gloeocapsa rupestris of Cyanophyceae; Spirogyra baileyi,
Chlorella vulgaris, Oedogonium cardiacum, various species like Cosmarium
nitidulum, Staurastrum sp., Botryococcus braunii, Eudorina elegans,
Selenastrum gracile, of Chlorophyceae; Rhodomonnas salina, Phacus
manginii from Euglenophyceae, various species of Navicula, Gomphonema,
Cymbella, Amphora pediculus, Hantzschia amphioxus, Fragillaria capucina
from Bacillariophyceae, and Mishococcus confervicola from Xanthophyceae
were found. Both terrestrial and aquatic plants present in the study
area were also noted. The Shannon-Wiener index, Menhinick index,
Nygaard’s index, Boyd’s index, and Palmer pollution index were evaluated
using Hemocytometer readings.