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Cardiff Economics Working Papers
Tiantian Zhang and Kent Matthews
Efficiency Convergence Properties of Indonesian Banks 1992-2007E2011/12
CARDIFF BUSINESS SCHOOL WORKING PAPER SERIESThis working paper is produced for discussion purpose only. These working papers are expected to be published in due course, in revised form, and should not be quoted or cited without the author's written permission. Using panel data estimation, the paper examines β-convergence and σ-convergence, to test the speed at which Indonesian banks are converging, towards the best practice and country average. We find evidence that in general the post-crisis structural reform process improved the average level of efficiency and improved the distribution of efficiency across banks significantly. The Asian financial crisis and the structural reform had the effect of slowing the adjustment speed of bank efficiency.
Key wordsBanks, Efficiency, Indonesia, Convergence.
JEL Codes: G21, G28
Corresponding AuthorMs Tiantian Zhang (PhD Candidate) Cardiff Business School Cardiff University Colum Drive Cardiff CF10 3EU, United Kingdom 1
IntroductionStudies of bank efficiency in the far Eastern emerging economies have become a growth industry in recent years. The reasons for these are threefold. First, since capital and debt markets remain undeveloped and immature, the principal process of financial intermediation remains the banking system. The role of the banking system in propagating shocks to the rest of the economy is evident in the part it played in Indonesia during the Asian financial crisis 1 . Second, the banking sector of the developing economies face stronger competition even with tighter post crisis regulatory changes. This creates the imperative to evaluate the position of the domestic banks in term of their performance and efficiency. Thirdly, the pass-through of central bank policy will depend on the competitive structure and efficiency of the banking syst...