The concept of meaning is a complex one in language study when cultural features are added. This is mandatory because language cannot be completely separated from culture in which case language and culture complement each other. When there are two varieties of a language in a society, i.e. two varieties functioning side by side in a speech community, there is tendency for misconception. It is therefore imperative to make a linguistic comparative study of varieties of such languages. In this paper, a semantic contrastive study is made between Standard British English (SBE) and Nigerian English (NE). The semantic study is limited to aspects of semantics: semantic extension (Kinship terms, metaphors), semantic shift (lexical items considered are 'drop' 'befriend' 'dowry' and escort) acronyms (NEPA, JAMB, NTA) linguistic borrowing or loan words (Seriki, Agbada, Eba, Dodo, Iroko) coinages (long leg, bush meat; bottom power and juju). In the study of these aspects of semantics of SBE and NE lexical terms, conservative statements are made, problems areas and hierarchy of difficulties are highlighted with a view to bringing out areas of differences. The study will also serve as a guide in further contrastive studies in some other levels of languages.
Keywords:Contrastive linguistics, British English, Nigerian English, Kinship, Semantics
IntroductionWhen two languages are in contact, there is the tendency to view the second language in the system of the first language. This is because linguistics is comparative in the sense that any statement made about a particular phenomenon of language will usually imply a generalisation from several phenomena and this, in turn is based on the process of comparison. The discipline draws on other disciplines and the idea of transfer is basic to contrastive linguistics. Transfer is not related to this alone if certain knowledge is acquired but will definitely influence other knowledge or habit to be acquired later. The idea of reality is based on what is already in the knowledge before. The language already internalized applies to the other because one task will facilitate another new one. The knowledge of task 'A' will definitely help task 'B'. Contrastive linguistics is therefore dependent on the two languages being compared. The concepts of interference, bilingualism are inherent in the discipline. Ogunsiji (2010:20).The regional variation (Dialect), social variation, social class and education are therefore notable factors for language varieties in any society. Nigerian English variety is rooted in the manifestations of the contact which users of English as a second language have over time. All these and other factors are encapsulated in this paper
Literature ReviewIt is pertinent therefore to briefly examine the concept of Bilingualism and Interference in this paper, with a review of related literature.
Concept of BilingualismAkindele and Adegbite (2012) define bilingualism as the use of two languages by an individual or a community. In other words, bilingualism allows the ...