The aims of this study are: (1) to investigate the level students' critical thinking skill on living things and environmental sustainability theme, (2) to examine the critical thinking difference among gender, learning styles, and students' motivation, and (3) to investigate the correlation between students' critical thinking and students' motivation. This research was conducted to get current skill description as the basic information to improve critical thinking in junior high school. The method of this study was descriptive research method which compiles both descriptive comparative and descriptive correlational that utilized the data collection and analysis techniques that results was concerned on measuring tendency, variation, comparison, and correlation. One hundred and ten students from three junior high school in Kuningan was tested with Science Virtual Test on Living Things and Environmental Sustainability Theme for 9 th Grade as the measurement tool of critical thinking based on Inch critical thinking elements, and was given learning style questionnaire and science motivation questionnaire. Generally, the mean scores on six elements and overall critical thinking score from descriptive statistics showed a moderate critical thinking attainments level, with the range 43.33 ≤ score < 69.75, while other two elements showed low critical thinking attainments level (score ≤ 43.33). At significant level 0.05 there was no significant difference between male and female, and also there was no significant difference among visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic learning style in critical thinking, while significant difference was founded on three different students' motivation (Low, Moderate, High) groups on four critical thinking element skills. Hence to support the tendency, the correlation test is conducted. The correlation test shows there was no correlation between critical thinking and students' motivation (r = 0.155, p = 0.81).