This research examines the juridical review that occurs between the parties' relationships in digital marketplace transactions, namely the TikTok shop. The research used in this study is normative juridical. Various sources were processed in this study, such as books, research articles, journals, and studies of legal theory, norms, and opinions of legal experts. The results of this study indicate that the legal basis plays an important role in the digital marketplace transaction system in Indonesia. One of them is its application in establishing relationships between parties related to transactions in the Tiktok shop marketplace. A review from the juridical aspect shows that normatively the legal capacity of digital transactions is already regulated in the 2008 ITE Law which contains the use of technology. This law has gone through the revision stage, namely Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 8 of 2000 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions. The purpose of this change is so that consumers have legal certainty in digital transactions and can file lawsuits if they feel disadvantaged by UUPK and UU ITE.