and monitoring of post-translational modifications
(PTMs) by peptide mapping is a ubiquitous assay in biopharmaceutical
characterization. Often, this assay is coupled to reversed-phase liquid
chromatographic (LC) separations that require long gradients to identify
all components of the protein digest and resolve critical modifications
for relative quantitation. Incorporating ion mobility (IM) as an orthogonal
separation that relies on peptide structure can supplement the LC
separation by providing an additional differentiation filter to resolve
isobaric peptides, potentially reducing ambiguity in identification
through mobility-aligned fragmentation and helping to reduce the run
time of peptide mapping assays. A next-generation high-resolution
ion mobility (HRIM) technique, based on structures for lossless ion
manipulations (SLIM) technology with a 13 m ion path, provides peak
capacities and higher resolving power that rivals traditional chromatographic
separations and, owing to its ability to resolve isobaric peptides
that coelute in faster chromatographic methods, allows for up to 3×
shorter run times than conventional peptide mapping methods. In this
study, the NIST monoclonal antibody IgG1κ (NIST RM 8671, NISTmAb)
was characterized by LC-HRIM-MS and LC-HRIM-MS with collision-induced
dissociation (HRIM-CID-MS) using a 20 min analytical method. This
approach delivered a sequence coverage of 96.5%. LC-HRIM-CID-MS experiments
provided additional confidence in sequence determination. HRIM-MS
resolved critical oxidations, deamidations, and isomerizations that
coelute with their native counterparts in the chromatographic dimension.
Finally, quantitative measurements of % modification were made using
only the m/z-extracted HRIM arrival
time distributions, showing good agreement with the reference liquid-phase
separation. This study shows, for the first time, the analytical capability
of HRIM using SLIM technology for enhancing peptide mapping workflows
relevant to biopharmaceutical characterization.