Dedicated to my dear God, without Him guiding me in every step, nothing would be possible for me. This is also dedicated to my father, whose presence would make this achievement even more special. Finally, I would like to dedicate this to my beloved mother Fatima Elfatih Mahadi, whose constant sacrifices to give me better life and led me to this point. iv Acknowledgement I would like to express my deepest thanks and appreciations to my research advisor Dr. Ilkin Bilgesu for his continuous support, assistance and encouragement throughout this research. His contributions are numerous and valuable. I would also like to thank all members of my research committee for their guidance and helpful suggestions. I strongly appreciate the support and advice from Professor. Sam Ameri, chair of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Department. He has been father and friend throughout my study. Many thanks also to Dr. Della-Giustina for his participation in my research committee and great support. Furthermore, my grateful thanks are due to my academic advisor Dr. Kashy Aminian for his support and advice and special thanks to all family of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Department especially to Ms. Beverly Matheny for her friendly ambience and continuous help. My Sincere appreciation also goes to my family and friends for their unconditional love, support, advice and prayers. I cannot express enough love and appreciation for my beloved mother for her support. Everything I have achieved is because of you.