“…Their voices are corroborated by a number of studies, completed in the past ten years, which reveal positive outcomes for teachers and students who are members of middle level teams (Arhar & Kromrey, 1995;Powell, 1993;Strahan, Bowles, Richardson, & Hanawald, 1997). Teachers who team tend to view school climate more positively (Flowers, Mertens, & Mulhall, 1999); have an enhanced sense of professionalism (Gatewood, Cline, Green, & Harris, 1992); and are more collegial in their work (Mills, Powell, & Pollack, 1992). Students on teams develop a sense of bonding with teachers (Arhar & Kromrey, 1995); present fewer behavior issues (Felner, Jackson, Kasak, Mulhall, Brand, & Flowers, 1997); and increase their academic achievement (Flowers et al, 1999).…”