Context: The current era of disruption provides challenges and opportunities simultaneously. Understanding and responding quickly and appropriately to the phenomenon of disruption is important for a company. Changes on a large scale fundamentally change all systems that switch to new ways. This certainly has an impact on Human Resource Management (HRM).
Objective: This study aims to (1) Identify HRM practices during the disruption era, namely 2021-2023, (2) Identify areas that are not of concern in HRM practices, and (3) Identify areas that need attention in future HRM practice research
Method: The research was conducted using the Preferred Reporting Item for Systematic Reviews and Me-ta-Analytic (PRISMA) model process. The research found five areas for the first objective: (1) HRM practices in the era of disruption, (2) Human resource excellence, (3) HRM chal-lenges, (4) Corporate development, and (5) Human resource control. The second objective was to obtain (1) Determination and (2) Sustainability. The third objective can utilize all seven areas of future research findings. In addition, the implication is to utilize this journal to explore future research directions and gain a thorough understanding of the concept of HRM in the era of disruption.
Results: This study found gaps in the implementation of HR analytics. Humans are used in analysis to examine the viability of human resource management in the disruptive age. An era of so many changes dominated by technology should make hr analytics a common area. Because in the era of disruption, for a company that has a compet-itive advantage, having big data is a must in order to run HRIS (Human Resource Infomation System) well. This study met almost all the requirements of SLR. However, there are some limita-tions. First, articles were found by searching through a single database. More articles may have been extracted if a different database had been chosen. Second, in order to retain the validity of the publications and adhere to a systematic literature review technique, this study solely contains empirical studies.If a different kind of article had been chosen, the results might have been different. Other areas of study need to be explored in future research. In the end, only diaries were considered.Accordingly, these journals are conducive to facilitating future research.Future studies should also focus on other areas. In the end, only diaries were considered.Accordingly, upcoming research can concentrate on them.
Contribution: This research can be a more comprehensive reference for researchers who will try to explore similar topics and with similar research methodologies, namely Human Resource Management.