Using a cross-cultural comparative study approach, this study analyses and compares the leadership discourses revealed through interviews with early childhood education (ECE) leaders in Finland and Singapore. The interviews were conducted both before the COVID-19 outbreaks in 2018 and during the pandemic in 2021. Conducted as focus group discussions, the data were analysed using discursive analysis. Finnish ECE leaders’ identified discourses that revealed ‘pedagogically focused leadership’ and the ‘desire for distributed pedagogical leadership’. In Singapore, the interviews highlighted discourses related to ‘community spirit emerging from challenges’ and the ‘deepening of management demands’. An overall analysis of the discourses showed that COVID-19 resulted in changes in leadership discourses revealing that leadership was characterised with ‘leading from a distance’ and an ‘emphasis on instructions and regulations’. Despite the challenges, leaders continue to place an importance on pedagogy in their practice. The study also showed that although cultural differences in leadership discourses were identified, time as a factor, remains significant as a crucial aspect for leadership in both countries.