Background:Today's health systems are complex and are challenged to strive for high-quality care that leads to optimal health outcomes. Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)-prepared nurses have the necessary competencies to influence health systems and delivery, that lead to safe and effective practice, by implementing practice scholarship, the translation of science to transform health care delivery, and clinical inquiry to improve practice.Purpose:The purpose of this study was to determine DNP-prepared nurses' satisfaction with their frequency of engagement in practice scholarship, and the relationship between the satisfaction and perceived impact of practice scholarship.Methods:In this cross-sectional study, DNP-prepared nurses (n = 309) were recruited from a U.S. national membership organization and were asked to complete an online survey.Results:Usable data findings (n = 269) revealed that 81% of participants reported feeling very, or moderately, satisfied with time spent engaging in practice scholarship or clinical inquiry in the areas of quality improvement, translation of research, and evidence-based practice; however, 19% expressed minimal satisfaction or dissatisfaction. There was a significant, moderate positive correlation between impact and satisfaction with time spent engaging in practice scholarship.Conclusions:Unclear roles and the lack of objective data measurement of practice scholarship are hindering the ability of DNP-prepared nurses to work to the full extent of their education and scope of practice.Implications:Further studies to develop processes and tools to measure the value and impact of DNP-prepared nurses on quality and safety, health care policies, systems, and population health are recommended.