Projected shifts in thermal climate zones over Africa during the mid and late 21st century are assessed by employing the Thornthwaite thermal classification applied to 40 CMIP6 GCMs under the SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 forcing scenarios. The CMIP6 multimodel ensemble mean reproduces the observed pattern of thermal zones during the reference period, albeit with some discrepancies. The torrid climate conditions dominating over West Africa, the western Sahara Desert and part of East Africa, and the hot thermal type covering the northeastern Sahara Desert, Central Africa and western Madagascar are well captured. In addition, the warm climate zones found along the coastal regions of Mediterranean countries, Southern Africa and eastern Madagascar as well as the cool climate over southern South African regions are well replicated. The projections reveal a gradual expansion of the hottest thermal type consisting of a northward and southward displacement of torrid climate zones, with this effect intensifying as greenhouse gas forcing increases and the time horizon moves from the mid to the end of the century. In the mid 21stcentury, torrid climates expand by up to ~ 15%, 20% and 27% of total Africa's land areas for the SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5, respectively, with these fractions increasing to ~16%, 28% and 42% in the late 21st century. Therefore, at the end of the 21st century for the high end greenhouse gas concentration scenario the African continent will be covered by 81%-87% of torrid climate type, which will have enormous impacts on the sustainable development of African countries.