The benefits of green infrastructure have been verified at the site-level by many empirical studies. However, there is limited understanding of how local governments prepare and implement green infrastructure planning in practice. This study employs the content analysis method to examine the quality of local comprehensive plans regarding sustainable green infrastructure in 60 municipalities of the United States. The study uses regression analysis to explain the variance of plan quality. Study results indicate that key green infrastructure principles were not fully incorporated in the existing sampled plans, with average score of 19.6 out of 50. While plan quality scores were slightly higher in counties than in cities, both areas could significantly improve plan quality with detailed policies, action strategies, and implementation tactics for green infrastructure planning and management. Regression analysis further identified that planning capacities, as well as socio-economic characteristics of study area may impact overall plan quality. The findings of this study demonstrate the importance of incorporating detailed green infrastructure principles whenever local planners adopt or amend regional plans in order to improve plan quality and to support implementation. Sustainability 2018, 10, 4143 2 of 21 together" (p. 97). Sharing similar views about the role of corridors, Benedict and McMahon [6] added examples of hubs such as natural areas of vegetation, open space, or an unknown ecological value.With the rapid expansion of urbanized areas, leading to increased landscape fragmentation, hubs and corridors have an enhanced role in city or urban areas due to their support to ecosystem services related to landscape connectivity even if rarely evaluated in green infrastructure planning [7,8]. In the city, where natural landscapes have been replaced by man-made structures, hubs and corridors are now more important than ever [5]. To support efforts to restore natural environments to city and urban areas, one of the region's primary tools is implementing effective green infrastructure planning. Green infrastructure often refers to a "strategically planned network of natural and semi-natural areas that is designed to provide a wide range of ecosystem services" [6,9]. Although the concept can be implied differently at the national (green network), regional (planning), or site (low impact development practices) level, the share goal is to design, construct, and manage nature by harmonizing environmental resources with city landscape [10]. In the US, green infrastructure is more focused on various approaches to manage and restore natural water resources at the various level [11]. As one of natural based solutions to move cities toward sustainability, green infrastructure can help improve the urban stormwater management by enhancing the recreation and tourism opportunities as well as aesthetic externalities [12]. More importantly, green infrastructure also plays a crucial role in saving energy, reducing urban heat island effect...